Meet Welmoed Sisson

Welmoed (pronounced “VEL-moot”) has been learning about home inspections ever since her husband Bob opened up shop in 2003. Every evening, Bob would come home from performing inspections and would do a slide show of the day’s findings for the family. This informal training gave her a pretty comprehensive introduction to the home inspection industry.

In 2010, she formally joined Inspections by Bob as scheduler and marketing director. She attended her first InspectionWorld conference in Las Vegas in January 2010 and started earning Continuing Education credits even before becoming a home inspector.

In Autumn 2011, Welmoed began the process of earning her Home Inspector license by taking the required 72-hour training class. She passed the National Home Inspectors Exam and received her license in December 2011. She is an ASHI-Certified Inspector, and has served as President of MAC-ASHI, the association’s local chapter. Welmoed teaches the Home Inspection Certification class at Frederick Community College, and has also taught classes at ASHI’s annual home inspector conference, InspectionWorld. She is one of the few woman home inspectors in the country; only about 5% of home inspectors are female!

Welmoed has learned a lot about how homes work by living in “challenged” homes she and Bob purchased. However, she knows that not everybody is intimately familiar with the operation of their home. When she is on an inspection with her client, she explains what she is looking for, and looking at, to help demystify the systems of the house. Since so much of a home’s operation is “out of sight, out of mind,” she helps familiarize her client with what these systems need in terms of maintenance or repair, so they can continue to keep their home in top operating condition.

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